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Upside Down Gardening

Q.Upside-Down Gardening

Anonymous added on December 30, 2010 | Answered

I am doing a science project and waited last minute. Do you think you can help me? I need to grow a plant upside down in the winter. What plant do you know will grow in the winter?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 31, 2010

Any plant will grow in the winter indoors if given enough light and warmth, though some better than others. You might want to look at peas. They like cooler temps and would do ok upside down. Do you need to do it on plants upside down? If not, and you need a quick project, you might want to look at how different fertilizers affect plant growth of bean sprouts. Or sprouting an avocado seed (or even more beans, which are even faster) and then flipping it upside down to show geotropism (the need for a plant to grow leaves up and roots down) in plants.

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