Q.Two Holly Bushes Damaged This Winter. Can I Save Them?
These two bushes were ice damaged this winter while I was away. They had gotten too big for the space anyway so I would like to lower them from 20 feet down to 10-12 feet. An arborist said not to do it now and didn\’t give me any recommendations on how or when to do it. I am OK with them looking ugly for a while, but must I wait all summer with them being as ugly as they are now?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Dead or diseased limbs can be removed at any time, so if those limbs are dead, they can be removed now. Save the height reduction till when the plant is dormant. (See the varieties below for best time to prune.) You also might consider removing the trees and replacing them with a shrub that won't need height reduction. These articles should help: