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Q.Twice-blooming crocus

Zone 97405 | Brian H Caughey added on February 11, 2018 | Answered

My friend has crocus in her beds and lawn that bloom twice annually, both in the early spring and in the fall. They are a small, pale purple variety. They spread like crazy, having moved out into the whole flowerbed, across wide swaths of lawn, and are even traveling along cracks in the sidewalk. It’s a dramatic sight when they bloom. She doesn’t know what variety they are and she herself is surprised at their twice-blooming and spreading qualities. Do you know what variety they are?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 11, 2018

Perhaps they are Crocus tommasiniansus, a species crocus sometimes simply called tommies, or Crocus speciosus. They multiply rapidly which is both good and bad in my opinion. I don't know for sure but I wonder if some of the fall bloom is from bulblets that reached flowering size that summer.

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