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Tulip Poplar Trees

Q.Tulip Poplar Re-growth

Zone Bell Buckle, TN | Anonymous added on June 2, 2024 | Answered

I had to cut down a tulip poplar (3” trunk) due to severe damage from a buck in the fall. The stump is sprouting a lot of new growth which is what I was hoping for. My question is are all these new shoots “branches” or do I need to prune it down to one good straight shoot that will become a full tree eventually?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 3, 2024

Each new shoot could be a tree as long as this was not a hybrid or improved cultivar. If it was a hybrid or cultivar, the shoots may not look exactly the same as the tree you purchased. Here are tips for growing tulip poplar.


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