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Tuberose Plants


Zone edgewater 32141 | katcorby added on July 20, 2016 | Answered

Every year I pray my tuberoses won’t pull the ole bud drop. I have 14 pots of tubers and sometimes they don’t even bloom. They just turn brown and fall. They are about 14 inches right now with buds but not looking too good – tiny buds this year and some are fat buds. What can I do to increase the flowering and lessen browning and bud drop? I have only had them for 2 yrs and I live on the east coast in Florida with lots of humidity. I’m ready for the stakes because they actually droop over almost in half. Is there anything I should know about a specific way to stake them, like what to use or what not to use? I’m scared to even touch them. I know they need a good fertilizing right now. Was it ok that I used a tab of epsom salt to gallon of water on them like I do my plumerias? It’s very hard to find good info on these bulbs *(plants). Please help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 21, 2016

This article will refresh you on the care requirements.


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