Q.Trying To Pair Two Different Clematis Types To Climb Up An Old Crabapple Tree
Near the entryway. Am I too greedy to want two in the same location? I am aiming for opposite bloom times, and I’d like to prune both to the ground each Spring (as well as the suckers around the base of the tree) it is a fairly windy location, with mineral rich, alkaline, well draining soil. Dappled shade area. I notice the many classes of clematis, is it as simple as pairing two from a different class (bloom period) that will work in these conditions?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, you can pick a spring or summer blooming clematis and a fall blooming clemmatis (just don't pick the invasive autumn clematis). However, most prefer full sun for the foliage, and shade for the roots. Here are some choices: