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Echinacea Plants

Q.trying to identify a catapillar/worm on echinachea. There are hundreds of them, on one leaf at a time until it is completely suck

Zone 37090 | jimbethfranklin@gmail.com added on June 23, 2018 | Answered

ed dry. They are black/brown and less than 1/2 inch, never scattered, always all on one branch.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 23, 2018

Look up army worm and see if that matches. If not, please re-submit your question with a picture or detailed description of the caterpillar and what plants they are eating. Here is info on army worms: https://questions.gardeningknowhow.com/trying-to-identify-a-catapillar-worm-on-echinachea-there-are-hundreds-of-them-on-one-leaf-at-a-time-until-it-is-completely-suck/#answerscroll
You might also contact your county extension service. They will know what is active in your area.

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