Q.Trumpet vine control
We have a beautiful trumpet vine which has grown up an old hydro pole to about 30 ft high. We love it, as it is a hummingbird sanctuary; however, it is about 6 feet from my shop and has managed to send shoots through a 4 ft deep cement foundation and into my horse stalls. It is also pushing up shoots through my new asplalt driveway about 15 feet away. We don’t want to cut it down but it scares us. Should I trim it part way down the pole (it has reached the top), and dig a trench around the base? Any suggestions?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, you can trim it back to help maintain its growth. However, it is begins to get really out of hand, you may need to consider getting rid of it, or in the least, containing it someway. This article should help with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/trumpet-vine/kill-trumpet-vine.htm