Q.Tropical plant dropping leaves
My tropical plant has been dropping leaves almost daily. They yellow, get limp and fall off. I’m confident I’m not over watering. I’m wondering if perhaps it needs a bigger pot. Had it for 2 years. This just started a couple months ago. What do you think?
I'm not sure what it is. I tried to post a picture but it wouldn't work.
It's got a thin stem/trunk that splits into three and long thin dark green leaves. It's about 1-1.5 feet tall.
It's been very rainy and not as warm here as usual.
It sits in from of the window to get enough light.
When I under watered the leaves were drying...so I upped it's water and it improved. Now the last couple months it's been losing leaves from all over the plant. As if it's not getting enough nutrients or something.
I tried upping water, no change and lessening water with no change
Yellowing leaves can indicate a watering issue; too much or too little.
It can also be incorrect environment, disease or pests.
What type of plant do you have?
This could help us provide you some care and growing information specific to your plant.