Q.Trimming Photinia That Lines With A Driveway Fence.
We are having a hot debate with our HOA over when to trim photina. We are located in Olympia WA. Last year we did a major trim in late March into April. I want to have our gardener trim about two-three feet of new growth off the top of the bushes now which is middle of May. We have one homeowner who has a “degree” in some type of horticulture and she is adamant that it is too late in the season. Our photina is treated regularly for leaf fungus, so it is very healthy. I feel that we could trim it at this time, but she is putting up a fight. Help!!!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If Photinia leaf spot fungus is a problem in your area, and it must be if you have yours treated, then it is best to only prune in the dormant months. Here is more: