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Cat's Claw Plant

Q.Trimming Cat’s Claw Vine

Zone 85282 | onlymemike@aol.com added on August 12, 2017 | Answered

I live in the Phoenix metro area in Arizona. Hot and typically very dry. I have a well established cat’s claw vine growing on a cement block wall in the east side of my yard. Most of it gets full sun all day long. It also gets plenty of water.

A friend has offered to trim it for me. She set out on a very aggressive, deep trimming. See the photo, I think I uploaded it correctly.

Back when I was a kid, I watched my Dad pretty much kill off a couple of hedges with a similar treatment. With no leaves to shade them, the branches just baked in he sun and died. I am concerned that the same thing might happen to my cat’s claw if it is all trimmed back this far. I know that it is very heat/drought resistant, but I don’t know if trimming it back might injure/kill it.

I spent quite a few minutes researching the www looking for the best answer, but didn’t find any. Can you help me out with a good answer, and if you know of a link to the “correct” way to trim it I would love to see it.

Best, and thanks so much for your help,

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 14, 2017
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