Q.Trimming a Gardenia
I purchased a small gardenia plant with a blossom and one bud, which flowered. It is doing well and I transplanted it to another clay pot not more than 3/4 inches bigger than the one it was in. I also gave it a dose of Miracid and in no time at all about 8 branches shot out above the rest of the plant, which now looks spindly. Shall I trim those stems back or will the rest of the plant eventually catch up? I have been using one of those watering bulbs you stick in the dirt and it has been doing nicely.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is merely up to you, as trimming will not affect its overall health. In fact, trimming or pruning is often performed every other year to help manage its appropriate size and shape. Any trimming should be done following blooming (in summer).