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Rose Of Sharon Plants

Q.trim bush rose of sharon

Zone 60458 | valmichalowski added on June 4, 2018 | Answered

if i cut back my rose of sharon bush now june 5 will that hurt the bush , the tops of bush not growing

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 4, 2018

Rose of Sharon blooms only on wood/stems formed in the current season- often called new wood. Pruning this late will likely reduce the number of blooms this year. In part, it depends on how you pruned it. Giving it a "haircut" by removing the topmost growth (and a lot of new wood) results in a less attractive shrub. To contain height and keep the shrub young and vigorous, remove 1/3 of the branches to the ground in late fall or winter while the plant is dormant. Always remove the largest branches and do this yearly. If the natural size of this Hibiscus is too tall for the space, it is better to remove and replace it with something that meets your criteria.

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