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Tree Ferns


Zone BS8 3PH UK | lynne.bothamley@btinternet.com added on April 30, 2019 | Answered

I have a tree fern that is 7ft high and sadly it no longer produces leaves. I have been told by many people that is dead but I am reluctant to accept that it is…we have removed it from its position and soaked it in the pond. How long should I soak it for and also should I cut it in half to see if it is still alive? desperate not to throw it out!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 30, 2019

There is a very simple way to tell if it is dead or not. Scratch the bark, and if the inside is dry then it is dead. If it is wet and flexible without snapping then it may still have a chance.

I wouldn't soak it for more than half an hour. It doesn't do any good more than that.

If you have been told by many people that it is dead, then it is dead, though.

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