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Lime Trees

Q.Tree Disease/Pests

Anonymous added on May 5, 2011 | Answered

On my lime tree, there are little white bugs with a brown stripe at the base of the wings, and if you smash the bug, it has a pink inside. When the bugs are on the tree, they do not move. What are they?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 6, 2011

Sounds like the citrus mealybug, which usually excretes a pinkish fluid when squashed. If you have found white residue on the leaves, it may also indicate a mealybug infestation. Scrape away any white residue and spots on plant leaves that you can find. Then wash down the entire plant with a solution of 1 part alcohol to 1 part water and a few drops of dish soap. Allow it to sit for a few days and repeat the process. Alternatively, you can apply neem oil or a pesticide to the plant. You will most likely need several treatments. Mealybugs are difficult to eliminate but with prompt attention it is possible.

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