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Brussels Sprouts


Anonymous added on April 2, 2014 | Answered

I accidently left my brussel sprout, cauliflower and broccoli transplants outside last night and it frosted. They are in 8-pack flats and I was attempting to harden them. Should I worry about them budding, that is, developing small fruits? I have limited time and resources and do not want to waste my time if they will not develop properly.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 2, 2014

Being cole crops, a light frost should not cause too much damage. If it was a hard frost and there is noticeable damage to the plants, then it would be iffy. That said, if they look ok and were not exposed too long to too much frost, then your plants should be ok. I would remain vigilent about their continual exposure to these elements, however. You can always cover them over night if frost is expected, move them to a sheltered location (like a garage or carport) or bring them back inside.

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