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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.Transplanting small Crepe Myrtle growing from old roots in yard

Zone 7b | Kali added on July 4, 2012 | Answered

Years ago, we had a huge Crepe Myrtle that we did not prune. It was out of control and too large for the location. Much to my sadness, it was cut down completely. Now we have baby Crepe Myrtle plants in several places, apparently growing from the old roots. I would like to transplant to a better location. I have about 6 separate plants that are about 12 inches in high and each are very healthy. No plants have had flowers yet. Please advise as to best process for removing from current location and transplant details. Thank you!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 5, 2012

You need to make sure that they have some roots of their own when you move them. Also, you may want to pot the little trees up for at least a whole season before planting out in the yard. This way they will be able to form stronger roots.

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