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Lantana Plants

Q.transplanting lantana?

Zone Birmingham, al | Anonymous added on January 15, 2018 | Answered

how & when is the best time? Time is late winter/early spring, but will breaking the roots/bulbs apart kill it? mine are about 7 ft. across when blooming, covering my whole flower bed. I want to keep it, but separate it. any info will be appreciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 16, 2018

Early spring or fall are the best times to divide and transplant lantana. Once you dig out a large clump with its roots, you can divide it into several pieces by cutting straight down with a trowel. This won't hurt the plant as long as each clump has some roots attached. Then transplant each piece to its new location and simply keep the plant moist until it gets established.

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