Q.Transplanting knockout roses
My Bubblegum Pink knockouts were planted this past May. They have done poorly…straggly, not bushy, with very little blooms. There is a woody trunk on all 3 bushes. Thin growth. I looked for aphids but none present. However, we had an awful June and July of Japanese Beetles. I believe the man that planted them did not dig deep enough and spread the roots out. No rose food or organic matter was added either. I would truly like to help these roses. I would like to transplant them to another area of my garden. The soil is amended beautifully. When is the best time to do this now or in the spring? Your help is really appreciated.
Sharon Price

Hi Sharon. I would wait until early Spring when the soils become workable and before the roses start to leaf out. The Japanese Beetles can cause many a problem to a rosebushes performance as they attack the rosebushes in many ways from grubs to adults. I would highly recommend watering the rosebushes well with some water that has both a root stimulator and a product called Super Thrive mixed into the same water. Water the rosebushes with this mix just before digging them up for transplanting. Then again with the same mix the next four to five times they need watering after transplanting them. Giving the rosebushes a treatment with Bayer Tree and Shrub Granules once a year around mid June is a good idea as well. Then find a good organic rose food to feed them with as well. Being Knock Outs they should respond nicely.
Stan The Rose Man
Consulting Rosarian
Gardening Know How