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Bamboo Plants

Q.Transplanting giant bamboo

Zone Bowen Island, BC ( near Vancouver BC) | janef2001 added on August 29, 2016 | Answered

I’m unable to keep the newly dug out giant bamboo stalks upright. I was told not to cut them. They are very tall, over 35 feet. I need to transport them to a far away destination. How can I do that and not kill the roots?

Jane Ferguson,
Bowen Island, BC Canada

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 30, 2016

Yes, it seems like it would be impossible or at least very difficult to transport 35-foot stalks to a distant location. If there are any shorter stalks available in the stand, use those.

The reason you were advised not to cut the stalks is because once cut, that same stalk will never grow back. However, if the main stalk is cut at a few feet off the ground, the same root ball can most likely put up additional shoots over the course of a few years after transplanting (assuming the root ball is not damaged). So this is another option, though it might not look as good for the first few years.


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