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Ash Trees

Q.Transplanting a tree, no roots

Zone Upstate NY | jamesdbll added on July 18, 2015 | Answered

I attempted to transplant of a young Green Ash (I think, I posted a pic) that’s seen very little care. In the process, all of the roots snapped; they were very brittle. The tree itself looks quite healthy. Anyway, what’s left is the 8 foot tree with nothing but its bulb and a few fibrous roots. I planted it deep in mulch and stabilized it. I’ve been running water to it for a few hours a day. Is there any chance it will survive? Is there anything anyone might recommend to increase its chances?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 20, 2015

We did not receive the image, but new tree care is pretty consistent no matter the variety.
It is a tough time of year with warm temperatures for success, but I would give it a go.
The lack of root ball is an issue, but sometimes trees can survive even this issue.
Water daily for at least 2 weeks, even longer in this instance.
You will just need to wait and see on this one. Best of luck.
Here is a link about new tree planting care.


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