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Q.transplanting a rose

Anonymous added on December 6, 2014 | Answered

I am going to be moving in December early January. I have several roses I would like to take with me. What is the proper way, if possible, to move them? Also, once I dig them up, do I just store them until spring when I can properly prepare the soil where they would be going? Please help! Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 7, 2014

That can be an exceptionally tough task depending on the climatic differences from the climate you are in now to the one where you are moving. Moving from one warm climate to another is far different than moving from a warm climate to a cold climate. I would prune the roses you wish to take with you. Water them a bit the day before digging them out. When digging them out, get as much of the rootball as you can. Transplant them into large pots with drainage holes in them. If you are in a cold climate and moving to another cold climate, the object is to keep them cold. So be sure to store the roses in an unheated garage, shed or area. Then plant them in the Spring after the ground warms up and can be worked. Here are some links to articles for you as well:


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