I have a container garden. I’ve had success with a cayenne pepper plant for the an entire year in my kitchen. Now that the plant’s second summer is approaching, should I transplant it to a different pot, sort of like rotating the crop? Thank you for your time!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They are normally happy in a 2 gallon container for their entire first year, but a larger container will be necessary for subsequent years. Plus giving it fresh soil and more room will allow it to fully fill its potential. If this does not receive full sun all of the time, then you may want to supplement with at least 100 watts of horticultural lighting to make it more productive. If it does receive full sun for most of the day, then it may be ok like it is.
Can you send in a photo of it, just out of curiosity? I would like to see the state that it is in to be able to know exactly what, if anything, that it might need.