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Iris Plants

Q.Transplanted Iris

Zone 5B | midwestmarinemom added on June 10, 2012 | Answered

Due to a death in the family, I recently transpanted several Iris plants, about 12 weeks ago. Some of the leaves are now starting to turn yellow, yellow/brown. Is this because of the transplant? Water? These plants hold great meaning for our family and I would feel horrible if I lost them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 19, 2012

It could be a transplant shock, but it is likely due to under watering. Increase watering and give them some bone meal. The first few months a plant is in the ground, it needs much more water than it would need once it is established. Once they are established, you can resume normal watering.

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