Q.Transplant Young Pygmy Palm?
Hello! I’ve a small, young triple trunk pygmy palm growing outside of my kitchen window. I learned that they grow to 10 feet, so I want to relocate it so it doesn’t block the window. The largest trunk is only 36” and the smallest is 11”. The base measures about 10” from the largest to smallest trunk. I’ve read that at this small of a size they don’t take kindly to being moved and it may not survive. I have also seen advice on how to pamper it to increase survival chances. My questions are 1. Should I bother to transplant or am I wasting my time, 2. Can I handle this with a shovel, 3. How far away from the trunk base should I dig to preserve roots, 4. How deep will the roots be, or how far down will I be digging? I appreciate the advice, it seems most everything on the subject refers to fully grown palms. I live in Phoenix AZ. Thank you kindly for sharing your wisdom! – Julie Z
Largest trunk is 36” and smallest is 11” TALL! I am sorry, I didn’t write that description clearly! I should have said shortest and tallest trunks!