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Quince Trees

Q.Too late for my old, massive non-flowering quince?

Zone Zone 6 | krystalmk added on April 12, 2019 | Answered

I have lived on this property for 50 years which is probably how old my quince bush is. Mom planted it and, as with everything else, she pruned it by hand until she got too old and the bush was too tall. It’s 6-7 feet in height, I can’t begin to do anything with it. Needless to say it hardly blooms at all anymore. Would it be wise to have this shrub cut to the ground, would that force it to rejuvenate? The guy who will be mowing for me (and I hope he does have a Sawzall or equivalent) might be able to do it. I have read about similar problems with other shrubs (don’t get me started on forsythia, aarrgh) but sometimes the jury is out…

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 12, 2019

One of my favorite plants! Yes, prune it all the way down. Here's an article that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/flowering-quince/flowering-quince-pruning.htm

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