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Tomato Plants


Anonymous added on June 25, 2015 | Answered

We used string to tie up our tomatoes and the string broke off and they are everywhere right now. What is the best thing to use to hold them up or should we just leave them alone now that they are so big and tomatoes are already starting on them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 26, 2015

I have found strips of pantyhose to be quite useful for this. They will stretch as the plant grows and won't break or cut onto the plant stems. The use of cages is another option, depending on how large the plants are at this point. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/best-way-stake-tomatoes.htm

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Answered on June 25, 2015

You should definitely string then back up. Tomatoes left to grow on the ground are more susceptible to rot. Its never too late to restake and string them. We usually use twine to hold ours up but if you look in the gardening section at your local stores they have all different kinds of options. Im frugal so I like yo use what I have on hand. Last year my step dad abandoned his tomatoes without staking so I used some old tent poles and regular curling ribbon for gifts and that did just fine. This year I used the tent poles and weaved them through some old fencing wire and gardening twist ties to support my tomatoes.

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