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Hyacinth Plant


Zone Belfast | Tomgrower added on August 12, 2017 | Answered

I planted up what I thought was Moneymaker tomatoes, but I now have plum tomatoes. There has been an error in the packaging dept, but my question is this. These plum tomatoes are an amazing custard yellow colour and don’t look like they want to turn red. The leaves are now twisting . Are these tomatoes edible and do they have a name? My other tomatoes ie Gardiners Delight and Sweet Aperitif are doing great.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 14, 2017

It would be difficult to identify tomatoes from an image, there are so many!!!

This is obviously a yellow variety and it appears you have many that are ripe and ready to enjoy.
Curled leaves can indicate a pest issue, or even just aging leaves.
Your plant looks quite healthy and despite the variety being wrong, it appears to be healthy and happy.


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