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Early Girl Tomatoes

Q.tomato plants dying

Anonymous added on July 1, 2014 | Answered

We had planted our tomatoes on May 13. They were Early Girls. Well they came along kind of slow but okay (we did have a wet spring). I side dressed once with some well rotted manure and watered a few times with Miracle Grow. A couple of weeks ago I noticed the bottom leaves were a little yellow, called my county extension and they said lack of nitrogen, which made sense. They said to put some 5-10-10 around the base and cover it with dirt. I did that, then we got a rainy spell about 1 and 1/2 inches. Then the sun came out and, finally, (on a side note there was one plant that was kind of a “runt” and didn’t gain much in height, was kind of spindly looking), the other 5 were looking pretty good. They had blossoms and some had tomatoes started. Anyway, the sun came out and I noticed the remaining plants were starting to wither and die and flop over in their cages. It looks like on a few of them the main “trunk” is turning brown. What do you think? Let me know if you need further info, clarification.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 1, 2014

It sounds like your plants have wilt. If this is the case, nothing can be done for them. This article will explain more: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/wilting-tomato-plants.htm

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