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Container Tomato Plants

Q.Tomato plant

Zone 55387 | Anonymous added on June 17, 2017 | Answered

I have a single tomato plant in a small pot and the bottom leaves are turning yellow. I have the plant in sunlight for at least six hours a day and water the plant daily, until the water seeps into the soil slowly. I plan on transplanting the plant soon into new soil and a larger pot. Would adding coffee grounds to the soil help?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 17, 2017

How big is the pot it's in now? It sounds like it's over watered.which is the #1 killer of all plant's. The key to a good strong tomato in a pot is to pinch the bottom. Meaning, if the plant is say 12 in tall, pinch all the bottom leaves off from about 4-5 in down. And plant it just above that 4-5 in. All the fuzzy stuff are actually roots and by planting it deep this way gives it a bigger stronger root system. You may have known this already so I apologize if I'm rambling. I work at a Garden Center and I've got the good old fashioned farmer's that are shocked they didn't know. What zone are you in?

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