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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Tomato wilts quickly and leaves turn yellow

Zone Zone 7 | robinholly added on June 9, 2016 | Answered

I planted my Rutgers tomato plant a few weeks ago. It grew quickly to 4′ and is producing several tomatoes; however, the leaves along the bottom are turning yellow and dying. A tomato near the top has blossom end rot. It is sited in full sun (southern exposure) and is watered once/daily. I have the large container sitting on pine straw. On planting day, I applied 8 tablespoons of Miracle Gro Shake ‘n Feed that contains calcium. I used Miracle Gro potting soil. Has the soil been depleted by now? The Miracle Gro product says it feeds continuously for 3 months. Should I re-apply the fertilizer even though it has not been 3 months yet? Is proper drainage an issue in your opinion? If so, should I elevate the tomato plant on a plant stand to help drainage and lift it off the pine straw?

Thank You for your help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 11, 2016

Watering issues could very well be the cause of yellowing leaves.
Check the soil instead of watering on a schedule. In hot weather you may need to water twice a day.
Make sure the container is draining well.
The soil you used contained a slow release fertilizer. Make sure you do not over fertilize, as this can burn the plants and roots.
Too high of nitrogen levels can be one of the causes of Blossom End Rot.

The links below will help you to make adjustments.



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