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Hyacinth Plant

Q.To grow a magnolia tree from the seeds, for indoor use?

Zone Chevy Chase, MD 20815 | Anonymous added on October 11, 2018 | Answered

I’ve gathered these ripe magnolia red seeds from a magnificent tree (probably a hybrid) which I intend to use as an indoor plant. I learned from your website, and decided the best way for me to proceed is to plant several seeds in 4 small pots and buried them underground and under the same tree in the small park across my apt. window, where I collected the seed pods. Please give me your feedbacks and any suggestions that can help me.

P.s.: I just love the shape of the tree and the glossy leaves, and I can use it as an indoor plant while it is very young and growing!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 15, 2018

his can be just a little tricky. You must start with fresh seeds, as when they dry out they will no longer germinate. Then you have to give them a certain amount of time in a cold or refrigerated environment. After that they will germinate. It is worthy to note that these will, more than likely, not look much like the parent tree if they are a hybrid. Here is an article with more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/magnolia/propagating-magnolia-seeds.htm

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