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Raised Garden Beds

Q.Tiny spider like bugs in my elevated garden bed, how to get rid of them?

Zone 86004, 6a | Dominick Costello added on August 25, 2019 | Answered


My name is Dominick and I’m 70 years old. Of all the Gardening and Seed sites I have subscribed to, Gardening Know How is my favorite. When ever I’m searching for info on Herbs (Medicinal Herbs are the main content of my gardens) my main source of help has come from your site. But I do have a non-herb question. I just built a 16″ X 6′ elevated garden bed on my deck and planted some Jasmine Vines to climb the lattice to be a privacy screen from neighbors to the north. 1 of the 3 vines is growing nicely, but the other 2 are not. This morning after watering I noticed a ba-zillion what look like teeny tiny spiders (not spider mites) running all over the place. I believe they are living in the soil. What are they and how do I get rid of them? I’ve tried to get a photo with a macro lens, haven’t had any success yet. Will update when I do.

Dominick Costello

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 26, 2019

Spiders tend to be very beneficial to the garden. If they are around, then there must be a food source. Since they eat insects, there may be some small ones that are hard to see that are harming your plants.

If you only remove the spiders, my guess will be that the original plant predator will take over with a vengeance.

I would, first, start with an insecticide since they don't harm spiders, usually. This should rid you of the insect infestation which can, ultimately, solve your problem and the spider issue.

These articles will offer information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/spider-garden-pests.htm



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