Q.Tiger Lily Bulb Planting Info (and Bulb Vs. Seed)
Good afternoon, I was able to score a few nice yellow Tiger (perhaps Cheetah would be more apropos) Lily bulbs, which I am excited to plant. I live in Florida (year round warmth, Sandy soil). I was going to plant these out back by my sun porch, indirect sun. I hope you don’t mind but I have TWO questions: 1. Any benefit to starting these indoors? Any general tips (these babies are waiting in my fridge as I write this email)? I would HATE to waste these, as Tiger lilies have many youthful memories for me.. 2. well, #three really, as I tucked an added question in # one; why can I find Tiger Lilies in EITHER bulbs or seeds? Although I grew up in rural Iowa, and we had Tiger Lilies, bleeding hearts, tulips, ferns and more, I have never planted (or even handled a bulb before. Thank you VERY ❤️ MUCH!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Generally, seeds will not be true to the parent. Planting from seed will give you an entirely different looking flower. Planting from bulb will give you an exact copy of the plant in question.
Now... Your zone is zone 10. This means that the Tiger Lily will not survive well in your area, due to lack of cold weather. They can only survive up to zone 7.
This will mean that you will need to dig the bulbs up at the end of each season and store them in the fridge.
Here are some articles that will help: