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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Thin branches on my rose

Zone India | wittyameta added on March 20, 2018 | Answered

My rose plant shoots out very thin branches and is a very slow bloomer. Should I fertilize it? Will pruning help? If so, which branches to prune out? Need help

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 20, 2018

It looks like your rose is in regular soil while in a container. This is a mistake since regular soil compacts in containers, inhibits root growth, and prevents adequate air and moisture movement in the soil. Except for miniature roses, all roses perform better is planted and not potted. Roses also need bright direct sunlight; 6 hours is the minimum. There are also heavy feeders. How much and when to apply fertilizer depends on what you use -follow the instructions - but starts in spring with leaf break and is repeated several times during the growing season. The last fertilization is 30-45 days before the first frost date. Proper pruning is also necessary for a healthy plant. In your case, I would replant into a larger container using potting soil mix (no actual soil - mostly peat or coir and perlite) and compost. Mix them half and half. Use a hose to gently remove the garden soil. Here is a humorous look at fertilizing: http://www.rose.org/rose-care-articles/fertilizers-when-and-how/

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