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Q.There Is A Question On How To Dig A Plug in A Grass Yard That Is Better For Not Killing The Grass When Metal Detecting. Some Say To

Zone Wadesville IN 47638 | dscott added on November 18, 2019 | Answered

dig a three sided hole and use the other side as a hinge others say it doesn’t matter either way. The thinking is it saves some roots to help. I have not seen a professional answer on this. My thought is it really doesn’t matter and what is killing the grass is lack of water after the plug is removed and put back in the ground. If there is a best method to help not kill the grass it would be very helpful to know.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 20, 2019

Normally, what kills the grass is a combination of destroying roots, not removing air pockets when replacing the plug (tamping it back down will help), and digging when it is dry, or hot.

If you can avoid destroying roots by gently removing the plug, make sure you tamp out any air pockets, and water just a little, or do this on a wetter day, then the grass likely won't notice one bit.

The killer is leaving the plug in a state which will not allow full recovery, simply put.

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