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Ti Plants

Q.The Stalk Of My Hawaiian Ti Plant Has Little Green Fungus On It. Is That Normal?

Zone Bradenton, Fl 34210 | joesue54 added on March 21, 2022 | Answered

The stalk of my Hawaiian Ti plant has mold or green fungus on the bottom of the stalk.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 22, 2022

Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. I am unable to see the damage.

Some green fungi, like Trichoderma species, are beneficial to plants, where as some species of Penicillium can be detrimental to plants. I can tell the difference by smell. One smells like detritus, where one smells like citrus peels, but this is not going to help you much.

Other alternatives are lichens, mosses, algaes, bacteria, and other, actual, pathogens.

Algaes will gunk up your soil and prevent water and nutrient uptake. Bacteria will usually either destroy your plant and soil, or be harmless.

If you have a microscope handy, this is how I tell the difference between certain microbes in the garden. That and a few of the most common stains will give you close enough of a ID to know whether you have a problem or not.

Otherwise, you can take samples to your local extension service, and they may be able to help:


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