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Hoya Plants

Q.the name of my plant bwhich I have had for 30 years but don’t know its name or how to take a piece and make another plant

Zone New York City | Joannaunderwood added on May 29, 2017 | Answered

the leaves are stiff and are about 2 inches long and are dark green with white edges. new leaves come in white often and in the spring the white leaves turn a beautiful pink. It hangs in a southern sunny window and has flourished for 30 years. But now one of its long chains of growth has broken off and I want to try and use it to grow another plant. Don’t know how to do that. Please help. I am attaching two photographs. Joanna D. Underwood, 138 E 13th Street, NY NY 10003 212 254 5777

I hope someone reads this and helps me.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 6, 2017

I thought it was a rubber tree, but guess the guy below knows what he is saying. ;)

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