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Hyacinth Plant

Q.name and good location for plants pictured

Zone 63301 | Mjeanis added on February 27, 2017 | Answered

I grew this plant from seeds I acquired out on my mail route. One of my customers gave them to me because I’ve liked the plant. They no longer live there but I believe he told me it was some kind of ornamental jalapeƱo bush. He had been planted in front of his house. I have it in a pot indoors right now but I would like to move it outside when the weather breaks. I live in St. Louis, Missouri. My first question would be to inquire if you know the exact name of this plant? The berries on his plant were black. This picture does not really do it justice but when the berries shrivel, they turn red and it has tiny little purple flowers. My other question would be when and where would be a good location to put it in the ground?

Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 27, 2017

This is an Ornamental Pepper plant, though the cultivator is unknown.

A bright sunny location both indoors and outdoors when the weather is warm is needed.
Here is a link with more information.


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