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Mandevilla Plants

Q.The mandevilla plant in my yard is losing leaves.

Zone Lansing IL 60438 | Anonymous added on June 25, 2020 | Answered

I have it in the sun, in it’s original pot with a trellis for it to grow on. The leaves are turning yellow. A few of the vines are dried at the end.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 26, 2020

It could be due to watering, too much or too little, lack of fertilization, disease or insects. Here is information that covers all these points; you can see which one fits your situation. Also, since it is in its original pot, which may be small, you will need to water more as the moisture will evaporate quickly. It may need to move up to a larger container.


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