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Green Beans

Q.The Leaves On My Green Bean Plants Are Turning Yellow Then Brown Then Falling Off And Dieing

Zone L0P 1K0 | Martha Rao added on June 27, 2020 | Answered

I have been watering them several times a week since they are growing and 12 inch deep 18 in diameter grower bags, and the bags tend to dry out quickly. This past week I sprayed them twice with epsom salts and twice with Miracle-Gro. Do you have any other suggestions? I tried sending through photos but they won’t go through. Thank you, Martha

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 30, 2020

They can do this when there is too much nutrients in the soil. Beans will produce their own nitrogen with the help of microbes in the soil. Supplementing any is usually not needed, with good potting mix.

Spraying with nitrogen will have negative effects, long term. Instead, make sure to test the soil for deficiencies before adding anything. This takes out the guess work. Adding the wrong nutrient at the wrong time can make soil unsuitable for plant life, and throw off the pH drastically.

Here are some articles that will help:





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