Q.The Artitcle Regarding Scaly Evergreens Contains Incorrect Information
Hello, My name is Ness and I am writing to inform you that the article published discussing the identification of scale leaf evergreen trees claims that there are 3 types of evergreen; coniferous, broadleaf, and scaleleaf, as well as stating that identification of conifers comes from their needle leaves; this is untrue. Conifers are defined not by their leaves, but by their cones, including both what we normally think of as cones and fleshy cones made of aril fruit. On top of this, not all conifers are evergreen. Evergreen simply refers to plants which retain their leaves as functional through more than 1 growing season, and trees like tamaracks are deciduous conifers. On the other hand, bamboo, eucalyptus, clubmosses, and many plants in tropical environments are evergreen but not coniferous. While there may not be explicit claim that all conifers are evergreen, by listing three classes of evergreens with no clarification it is implied that conifers are a classification below evergreen. The article lists cypress trees as scale leaf, which is true, however they are also conifers. By misusing the term conifer a sentence like “Identifying scale leaf evergreens versus conifer evergreens is not difficult,” is made, incorrectly spreads the idea that coniferous and scale leaf are mutually exclusive, further concreted by the discussion of scale leaf conifers as only scale leaf and in opposition to conifers.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, I am unable to identify the article in question. Please include it so that I know which article to bring up.