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Q.Texas Privet Is It Ok To Prune Off The Hundreds Of Little Green Buds That Replace The Flowers.

Zone Malibu, California | Anonymous added on September 25, 2021 | Answered

These green buds don’t sprout they are just a product of the dead flowers. I’ve been told the foliage will grow faster if I clip the twigs they are on. off.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 26, 2021

Privet shrubs will normally bounce back from a heavy pruning. After a shrub is finished flowering for the 2021 season, it soon starts to form new flower buds for next year’s 2022 flowers. So pruning for shape and size must be done immediately after 2021 flowering ceases to avoid removing these new 2022 flower buds. In addition, lightly pruning a few times throughout the summer will encourage denser, bushier growth with more branching.

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