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Q.Tangerine Crossvine-prolific green foliage but no flowers-probable cause-Plant now 2 years old

Zone 76207-denton texas | Anonymous added on July 24, 2020 | Answered

Plant is on wrought iron fence–in a flower bed with in ground sprinkling system-gets light watering every other day- lots of foliage so no indication of too much or too little water

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 26, 2020

Are you by any chance pruning in the fall or late winter? If so, you may be cutting off the buds that formed on "old wood." I found some conflicting information on whether it blooms on old or new wood, but generally, spring flowering shrubs bloom on old wood so you might try only pruning in late spring.

Do you have it in a sunny location? Crossvine prefers sun to bloom well. It can tolerate part shade but blooming may diminish.

It also likes acidic, well-draining soil. You can cut back on the frequent watering and go instead to less frequent, but deep watering.

Check all these variables and see if the plant is getting what it needs. Here is more:


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