I planted 9 sonic bloom red Weigel a last year. They did well. It’s now early June. Most leaves and blooms are at the base of the plants. What should I do?
Prune out the dead wood and the plants should send up new shoots. Perhaps you had a colder winter than usual.
'Sonic Bloom' blooms on old wood and new wood, plus it is a repeat bloomer. If it needs shaping, do it after the spring bloom.
I have 7 My Monet Weigela shrubs which have done well in our South-facing landscape. A few of them have sprouted branches that look like those on a Midnight Wine Weigela. While doing some light pruning of dead branches, I removed them (which looks a bit unbalanced). My thought is the plant was grafted (?) or it's reverting, or ?! Any advice on how to rectify the situation would be appreciated.
You did the right thing by removing the errant branches. It is the same principle as variegated stems reverting to green. The best thing to do is to remove them so they don't take over.
Live in Chicago area. have 2 Sonic Blooms & 1 Wine/Roses. last 2 winters were average to mild. Have Hydrangeas planted in between and come back beautiful each spring. Is there a particular nutrient the Weigelas depend on? Wine/Roses is older. I have done a rejuvenation prune 2 times has come back beautiful. Can't figure out what's happening to just the Weigelas last 2 winters.
A Weigela will not do well where a hydrangea will, unfortunately. They need much more sun than a hydrangea will.
This article will help you to know what care that these shrubs require:
I don't believe I have over watered nor over fertilized this plant. We have had seven straight days of 90-plus degree heat with no rain. It bloomed beautifully in May and has not bloomed since.
These will require, consistently, moist soils. It would seem that this could be due to dry soils. Make sure to keep it moist, without letting it dry out, but not saturated. Daily, shallow waterings may be necessary during conditions like this.
I would suggest monitoring with a meter. This will cut all doubt. You want to keep the surface slightly moist, while letting the deeper parts go between wet and slightly moist. This means a long slow water, with shorter surface watering between.
Here is an article that will help you to monitor soil moisture:
This article will help you with the care of the shrub:
The plant now has shriveled brown edged leaves and three new shoots with holes in the leaves. When it was first planted if had beautiful pink flowers that are now dead. Should I spray dish soap and water on it? Thank you!
The brown edged leaves may be a watering issue: under or over watering. Try to find the pest that is gnawing on your plant; then you will know how to treat it. Here is more:
We planted these shrubs last year and they did not need any pruning at the end of summer. However this year they are growing unevenly and we are not sure when or how to prune and shape them in order to increase blooming and fullness.
In order to shape them, you must cut them in late spring. This will sacrifice the reblooming capability for a season, but will offer more even flower distribution when you do see growth.
Here is an article that will help you with pruning:
Can I trim wiegala xshrubs in fall as they have gotten out of shape during the summer
It's best to prune them in spring after they bloom. Here is more: