When is the best time to transplant Voodoo lilies? I have several growing, and my friends have asked for bulbs. I live in New Orleans. Right now, the plants are beginning to wilt, which means I can see where the bulbs are. If I wait until spring to dig them up, I won't know where the bulbs are. Not all the plants have flowers. Also, do you know what size the plant might be to have a bulb that is the size of a baseball? Thanks so much.
You will know the size of the bulb is roughly that size when it flowers, as it will not flower before this time. You may transplant at anytime that the soil remains above 60 degrees. They tend to be drought tolerant, so do your best to keep them from getting over-watered. You can always transplant them to pots, but they don't smell very pleasant, so I"ll leave that up to you! Here is an article that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/voodoo-lily/voodoo-lily-information.htm
Vodoo Lily after flowering, what happens? do i cut the stalk? are the leaves going to grow?
You do not need to cut the flowering stalk off. This will be replaced by vegetative growth after a rest period. After it's short dormancy, it will shoot out vegetative growth, and then a flower again in late summer.
This article will give you more information on this plant: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/dragon-arum-lily/growing-dragon-arums.htm
Planted a Stink Lily last fall. In early May, the foliage came up and the lily flowered. The flower lasted about a week and then the entire plant began to die back, leaves and all. Now, there is nothing there, not even leaves. Is this what's supposed to happen?I expected at least the foliage to last until late summer or fall. Thanks for your help.
Yes the lily and plant will die back to the ground.
Can the spadex seeds from the voodoo lily be planted to produce more lilies?
Flowers successfully pollinated by flies develop red berries. When these soften, press them 1 inch deep in propagating mix. Wear gloves as the fruit juice may stain or cause irritation. Grow for one year before potting plants individually. Seeds can also be sown directly into garden beds.
This lily has been in the ground approximantively ten years and has never bloomed. It out off full sun, an in bright filtered light. It goes dormant this time of year in Naples florida, and left in the ground. What do I need to do to make it bloom? Don smith
I'm afraid that these plants are not quite suited for your area. They tend to do better in zones 8 and under. They will require the cooler temperatures of winter to flower properly.
Now, that is not to say that you will never see a bloom. After several years at full maturity, they can start to flower regardless of conditions, but it will be much less often.
You can try storing the tubers in the refrigerator during the hottest portions of the year, and replant them during the cooler portion. This can simulate a "winter" and help them to flower.
This article will give you more information on the care of these plants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/dragon-arum-lily/growing-dragon-arums.htm
We live in zone 3 climate n I would love to grow dragon flower so can it be kept overwinter in peat moss in cool basement. Should it be in a plastic bag with air holes?
Place the roots in dry peat moss or vermiculite in a sturdy cardboard box. The peat moss will slow the loss of moisture from the roots and keep them from shriveling. Store the box at about 45 degrees F. (never below freezing) in a garage, crawl space, or basement. Warmer temperatures allow the roots to sprout in midwinter, and you don't want that to happen.
My daughter recently ordered a Dragon Flower from Breck's. But they were out of stock. She was heart broken, since she really wants it for the landscape she's making for her first house, which had not one flower! (She has dozens now!) I can't find any locally, nor on a few mail order sources I've searched. Can you possibly tell me where I can buy one for her? It would make her day, no her month! Thank you in advance. Dottie Rawsky
It seems that the reason there aren't many results is that they are using a less known term for the flower. Dracunculus vulgaris it its scientific name. There are many forms and colors, and most online places carry the seeds bulbs, and live plants. They can also be located using the term "Voodoo Lily". Be aware that all plants in the arum family are very smelly. All of them carry a smell of rotting meat, or flesh as they bloom.
Here is an article for their care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/voodoo-lily/voodoo-lily-information.htm