Q.voodoo lilies
When is the best time to transplant Voodoo lilies? I have several growing, and my friends have asked for bulbs. I live in New Orleans. Right now, the plants are beginning to wilt, which means I can see where the bulbs are. If I wait until spring to dig them up, I won’t know where the bulbs are. Not all the plants have flowers.
Also, do you know what size the plant might be to have a bulb that is the size of a baseball?
Thanks so much.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You will know the size of the bulb is roughly that size when it flowers, as it will not flower before this time. You may transplant at anytime that the soil remains above 60 degrees. They tend to be drought tolerant, so do your best to keep them from getting over-watered. You can always transplant them to pots, but they don't smell very pleasant, so I"ll leave that up to you! Here is an article that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/voodoo-lily/voodoo-lily-information.htm