Our 5 year old awaki virburnums have lost all of there leaves. It appears to be a fungus so I sprayed them with the Bonide copper fungus treatment. Will they come back ?
As long as you follow the instructions on the fungicide and they are not dead, then they can come back. Unfortunately, your photos did not come through, so I am unable to assess the damage.
Here is an article that will help you to determine if your shrub is still alive:
I read that I need 2 viburnum bushes for them to cross pollinate, to get berries to grow. I have a spicebush that blooms some in the winter. Which types of viburnum can I plant with it to grow berries? The birds really need the winter food. Thanks!
To get berries you need to get a second viburnum of the same species, but a different cultivar. When you go to the nursery, tell them which cultivar you have so they can recommend one that is a different cultivar. Also make sure they bloom at the same time before buying.
Your Korean spicebush's botanical name is Viburnum carlesii but you need to know the cultivar name too.
wilted. Are they dead? We have about 10 bushes at about 4ft high. They are all wilted and brown, which we have never seen before. They are always green all year round. I am not sure if they are dead. IF NOT, how can we help them? Thank you!
The unexpected freezing weather definitely took its toll on Texas. We've gotten several questions about the frozen plants. If only the leaves froze, you should get new leaf growth as the plant recovers. If the stems froze, too, it's possible they will regrow from the roots. If the stems did not survive, you will need to cut them back to the ground in spring.
You can tell if the stems are still alive by scraping off some of the wood. If it's green underneath, they are still alive and leaves should regrow.
You may want to wait till winter is completely past before doing any pruning. Here is more on how to care for frozen plants:
Please can you advise me on the attached photo of the leaves as a lot of them have been infected and the problem seems to be getting worse. I have sprayed them with Rose Clearbut is there something else that would be more affective so i dont lose the shrub. Thank you and look forward to hearig from you. Photo attacheds
It looks like fungal disease so I'm surprised the Rose Clear hasn't helped. Neem oil may help. Spider mites can also cause stippling, so check for those and treat with a miticide or Neem oil.
These articles should help:
We have 3 healthy looking vibernum shrubs planted 30 years ago. Since then they have grown into one huge healthy looking bush. They are in a sunny location.It was only a few years ago that they has begun to flower, though we don't have many. They turns brown instead of red in the fall. What can we do to encoourage more flowering and, especially, the red color we love so much?
These articles should help:
My 'Improved Cayuga Viburnum" has flowers, but the leaves look damaged. Any suggestions? Does the soil need amendments? Or is it an insect?
It does resemble a pH imbalance. Clay soils can have a high pH, sometimes. I would test for that, nutrient deficiencies, or drainage issues in soil. These articles will help:
This article will help you with the general care of Viburnums:
The flowers appear very small.
There may be a fungal disease going on. This article should help: