Q.We Have Sweet Viburnum Planted In The Front Of Our Home As Bushes But With The Recent Texas Winter Freeze They Are All Brown And
wilted. Are they dead? We have about 10 bushes at about 4ft high. They are all wilted and brown, which we have never seen before. They are always green all year round. I am not sure if they are dead. IF NOT, how can we help them? Thank you!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The unexpected freezing weather definitely took its toll on Texas. We've gotten several questions about the frozen plants. If only the leaves froze, you should get new leaf growth as the plant recovers. If the stems froze, too, it's possible they will regrow from the roots. If the stems did not survive, you will need to cut them back to the ground in spring.
You can tell if the stems are still alive by scraping off some of the wood. If it's green underneath, they are still alive and leaves should regrow.
You may want to wait till winter is completely past before doing any pruning. Here is more on how to care for frozen plants: