Never grown corn before. The corncobs are developing but tips of plant seem to be going to seed. Is this ok or should I be taking these off.
No. You will wait until about 20 days after you see silks growing, then harvest. Here is an article that will help:
I purchased some sweetcorn seedlings which I have planted, and they are growing well. Some of the seedlings were in pairs. I know you should not disturb the roots of sweetcorn, Do I carefully pull out the unwanted plant, or cut it off at ground level and and leave the unwanted root in the ground, or let them both grow? What would you recommend? Thanks
You can, or you don't have to. They won't compete too much, unless they are in a cramped space. If you want to get rid of one, however, then you can snip the smaller one at the base. Do not pull it out. I prefer them to have their own space to make maintaining them a little easier should something need your attention.
I have been growing about 25 Sweetcorn plants from plants around 8" high. Can you tell me why this year only haven't they grown.
Have you grown sweet corn each year or field corn? Sweet corn and super sweet corn need warmer weather than field corn, 60-85°F (15 to 30° C.) is best. They need regular irrigation till harvest and about 1 inch (2.5 cm.) of water a week starting about two weeks ahead of silk formation. Other possibilities are nematodes or nutrient deficiencies (see second and last articles for fertilization tips). Nematode control includes crop rotation, cleaning up the area after harvest, and soil solarization.